2015 Floor plan & Exhibitors



Exhibitors List


Exhibitor Stand Position


agrow-logo Stand 17

APC (Agchem Project Consulting Ltd)

apc-logo Stand 10
BCPC bcpc-logo Stand 3
CEM Analytical Services Limited (CEMAS) cemas-logo Stand 14
Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD), Health and Safety Executive hse-small-logo Stand 1
CiToxLAB citoxlab-logo-14 Stand 2
East Malling Research east-malling-research-small-2015 Stand 27
EBRC Consulting GmbH ebrc-logo Stand 13
Enviresearch and
bibra toxicology advice & consulting
bibra-enviresearch Stand 23
Exponent International Limited exponent-logo Stand 6
Fera Science Ltd fera-logo-01 Stand 24
Envigo envigo-logo-sm Stand 4
Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry
IIOC-logo Stand 25
JRF GLOBAL jrf-logo-small-01 Stand 12
JSC International Limited JSCi-logo-60px Stand 9
Oxford Agricultural Trials Ltd oat-logo Stand 22
Quotient Bioresearch quotient-logo Stand 7
SGS United Kingdom Ltd sgs-logo Stand 11
Text Mining Solutions text-mining-solutions-logo Stand 8
The Voluntary Initiative voluntary-initiative-logo Stand 16
TNO triskelion bv TNO_triskelion_kleur_small Stand 15
TSGE Consulting tsge-consulting-logo-cmyk Stand 26


If you are interested in exhibiting at the 2016 event, please call +44 (0) 1423 863 522 or contact us.