BCPC (British Crop Production Council) promotes the use of good science and technology in the understanding and application of effective and sustainable crop production. BCPC is a Registered Charity and a Company limited by Guarantee.
Its key objectives are to:
- Identify developing issues in the science and practice of crop protection and production, and provide informed, independent analysis and views on these to opinion formers, government and the public;
- Publish definitive, independent information for growers, advisors and other stakeholders in the food, fuel and fibre production chain, in the form of reference works, manuals and handbooks;
- Organise and co-host conferences and symposia to provide platforms for the reporting and debate of scientific relevant results and opinion;
- Contribute to UK science education e.g. by providing publications for schools which stimulate interest and learning.
Visit our web site http://www.bcpc.org
TSG Forum provides the regulatory community with quality conferences, training and associated events. Our objective is to deliver events that are relevant and stimulating, keeping pace with ever changing chemical regulation.
TSG Forum was established by senior regulatory affairs professionals with many years’ exposure to events, training workshops and a variety of conferences within the chemical and scientific industry.
We are supported by high quality event management professionals who bring understanding, knowledge and expertise within the event management arena.
We provide workshops, conferences, training and events with an emphasis on quality and relevance of content. We also design our events with the intention of facilitating meaningful networking opportunities.
Of primary importance, we wish to provide a rewarding and fulfilling experience for all participants. We will constantly strive to ensure that we provide quality, value for money and that delegates, speakers and sponsors alike are treated with honesty, integrity and respect.
Our series of events across different chemical sectors and scientific disciplines will be designed specifically to meet the changing needs of the regulatory community.
We very much welcome contributions on event content and would appreciate suggestions or feedback on how to improve and enhance our services and events.
Visit our web site http://www.tsgeforum.com