Showcase your company and services to a targeted audience and take advantage of the many opportunities to
network with authority representatives and industry colleagues.
Gold package (Limited to three companies)
- Company name and/or logo included on all advertisements and circulars including pre-conference announcements, presentation materials and programmes
- Placement of your stand and/or promotional banners in a prominent position at the event
- An acknowledgment of your company at the start and end of the conference
- Full page advert in the event supplement
- Company inserts to be included within delegate packs
- Two complimentary delegate passes for the event
- Additional delegates will receive 10% discount
Price: £4,250 (excluding VAT)
Silver package
- Company name and/or logo included in a selection of advertisements and circulars including pre-conference announcements, presentation materials and programmes
- Placement of your stand and/or promotional banners in a prominent position at the event
- An acknowledgment of your company at the start and end of the conference
- Half page advert in the event supplement
- One complimentary delegate pass for the event
- Additional delegates will receive 10% discount
Price £3,200 (excluding VAT)
Drinks reception package
- Company name and/or logo included in a selection of advertisements and circulars including pre-conference announcements, presentation materials and programmes
- One complimentary delegate pass for the event
- Short welcome speech at the drinks reception
Price £2,000 (excluding VAT)
As a gold, silver or drinks reception sponsor, your company logo will also be included in e-shots sent to our database, as well as featured on our website and in LinkedIn and Twitter promotions.
Event supplement advertising
Advertise your company and services to a targeted audience. Given to every delegate, the printed event supplement will include the event programme, speaker information, an advertorial and advertisements. To promote your company or service, the prices are as follows:
Full page – £945 (excluding VAT)
Half page – £630 (excluding VAT)
Quarter page – £315 (excluding VAT)
If you are interested in receiving sponsorship information on our next event, please call +44 (0) 1423 863 522 or contact us.